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WA Dental Medicaid Transition to Managed Care: RFP Released

May 4, 2018
The request for proposal (RFP) for managed care dental services has been released by the HCA.
During the 2017 legislative session, Substitute Senate Bill 5883 passed, requiring the Health Care Authority (HCA) to contract through the competitive procurement process with licensed dental health plans or managed health care plans to provide carved-out managed care dental services by January 1, 2019. The purpose of the legislation is to allow for greater efficiency, and facilitation of better access and oral health outcomes for Washington Apple Health (Medicaid) enrollees.

The RFP 2516, for Managed Care Dental Services, has been posted to both Washington's Electronic Business Solution (WEBS) and HCA's website.

For more information regarding the Washington Dental Medicaid Program's transition to managed care, including what providers should expect, read "Dental Medicaid Transition to Managed Care: What Providers Should Know" on the WSDA Blog.