
Latest News from North Central District Dental Society

Latest News from WSDA

2018 WSDA President's Awards

Jun 23, 2018
On Wednesday, June 20, WSDA President Dr. Cynthia Pauley celebrated several deserving individuals and groups by granting them 2018 WSDA President's Awards during the Pacific Northwest Dental Conference.

The awards were presented in recognition of outstanding accomplishments in representing organized dentistry, enhancing the dentistry profession, and furthering the cause of improved oral health in Washington State.

2018 President's Award Winners
Concerned Dentists of Washington State
(Dr. William Hooe, Dr. Kal Klass, Dr. Christopher Pickel)
Dr. John Gibbons
Dr. Jennifer King
Pierce County Dental Foundation
Ms. Jennifer Freimund
Mr. Brandon Walker

President's Reception Award Winners

Congratulations to all of the award winners, and thank you for all that you do for organized dentistry!