
Latest News from North Central District Dental Society

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Will Delta Hold Its Annual Membership Meeting?

Jul 19, 2018
Washington Dental Service (WDS) is scheduled to hold its 2018 annual membership meeting on November 9, the second Friday in November. The annual meeting is required by both the WDS bylaws and state law. But after last year’s experience, many member dentists are wondering whether WDS will hold the meeting.
The 2017 annual meeting—originally scheduled for November 10—was canceled by the WDS Board of Directors following special meetings in September of that year. At those special meetings, members overwhelmingly voted to approve a series of bylaw amendments to make WDS more patient-focused, transparent, and responsive to its members and their patients. But following those votes, the Board vetoed a number of the amendments and announced plans to cancel the annual meeting.

Following that cancellation announcement last year, attorney Emily Studebaker, on behalf of WDS member Dr. Bernard J. Larson, asked the WDS Board to reverse its decision. “The decision to delay the annual member meeting denies Dr. Larson and other members of WDS the right to participate in the governance process of WDS and is a violation of their rights as members,” Studebaker stated. The WDS Board ultimately refused the request.

Nine months later, the question of the WDS annual meeting is back. This week, Ms. Studebaker sent this letter requesting that WDS confirm its commitment to hold its annual membership meeting on Friday, November 9, and reminding WDS of the organization’s responsibility—both under Washington State law and its own Bylaws—to hold an annual meeting.

We will keep you updated on any response from Delta regarding plans for its 2018 annual membership meeting.