Feb 21, 2024
Latest News from North Central District Dental Society
Latest News from WSDA
Updated COVID-19 Clinical Guidance
It is very important that you read the following three updated documents from the ADA that provide guidance to help dentists minimize COVID-19 transmission risk when treating dental emergencies.
- Summary of ADA COVID-19 Interim Guidance
- ADA Interim Guidance for Minimizing Risk of COVID-19 Transmission
- ADA Interim Guidance Flowcharts for Minimizing Risk of COVID-19 Transmission
Please note that we have recently segmented COVID-19 resources on wsda.org/COVID-19 into two pages: Clinical Guidance and Business Impact Information.
Clinical GuidanceBusiness Impacts
Both pages contain important FAQs, links, recorded webinars, and other documents you may find useful in navigating this crisis.
Both pages also contain forms that allow you to submit questions you have surrounding COVID-19. I ask that you take a moment to closely examine the resources on both pages before you submit a question. We have worked tirelessly to provide the information we hear that our members want and are committed to continuing those efforts.

Dr. Dennis Bradshaw
WSDA President