
Latest News from North Central District Dental Society

Latest News from WSDA

Apply to Offset Unemployment Charges & Medicaid PPE Charge Update

Sep 18, 2020
COVID-19 Updates: Apply by Sept. 30 to offset unemployment benefit charges, Apple Health issues provider alert on PPE charges and more.

Reminder: Apply by Sept. 30 to Offset Unemployment Benefit Charges

Taxable employers affected by COVID-19 may now submit an application to Washington state’s Employment Security Department (ESD) to offset some of their benefit charges instead of charging them to their experience rating. By applying to offset benefit charges from the first two quarters of 2020, employers might reduce their 2021 tax rate. Please note that the offset is not a refund or reimbursement.

The application deadline is Sept. 30.

Please make sure to review all of the information provided by ESD to learn more about how the offset program works, who is eligible, how to apply, and other important details to help ensure a successful application. 

Apply Now

Apple Health (Medicaid) Issues Provider Alert on PPE Charges

The Health Care Authority sent the following alert to dental Medicaid providers today.

Attention Dental Providers:

If you are receiving personal protective equipment at no charge, from any source, do not bill CDT code D1999 to Medicaid.

If you are receiving the Delta Dental PRSP payment, you may only bill the difference between the Delta payment of $10 and the Medicaid payment of $15 for a total billable amount to Medicaid of $5 until Oct. 1, 2020.

All billings for CDT code D1999 must accompany another billable procedure code on the same claim to qualify for payment. Do not bill CDT code D1999 as the only procedure code on a claim.

See the Health Care Authority's (HCA) Provider Billing Guides and Fee Schedules page to view all guides and fee schedules.

ADA Resource: Managing Leave in the Dental Office

Learn about employer-paid COVID leave under recent federal legislation, exceptions that apply and when temporary furlough may be available for staff members who need COVID-related leave in this on-demand video resource. Watch now.

“How to Safely Go to the Dentist During the Pandemic” — ADA Featured in National Geographic

ADA President Dr. Chad Gehani spoke with National Geographic Science Writer Dr. Maya Wei-Haas for an article on COVID-19 and dental visits. They discussed how the ADA urged practitioners to delay non-emergency care in March, and how the organization worked with the CDC on how to reopen dental practices in May. Read the story.



Dr. Dennis Bradshaw
WSDA President