
Latest News from North Central District Dental Society

Latest News from WSDA

Vaccine Mandate Update & Sample Accommodation Forms

Sep 3, 2021
An update on the vaccine mandate for healthcare providers and workers, including sample religious and medical accommodation forms.

We wanted to provide you with an update on Proclamation 21-14, which requires mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for health care providers and workers. This week, WSDA leadership met with senior Department of Health (DOH) and Office of the Governor staff. During this meeting, we shared results from WSDA’s survey that was distributed to all actively practicing members last week. Here is some of the information that we shared from the nearly 700 responses received:

  • The survey data show that the majority of surveyed dental practices may lose between 10% to 40% of their staff as a result of Proclamation 21-14 as written. 74% of responding dentists have 1 or more employees that have left or are considering leaving the dental field.
  • A reduction of workforce of this amount combined with the already significant shortage of dental hygienists and dental assistants will result in the closure or reduction of hours of multiple dental offices throughout the state.
  • The survey data show that 84% of responding dentists are fully vaccinated and 55% of practices have 70% or higher fully vaccinated staffs. We believe the vaccination percentages are higher than what the survey reported as, proportionally, these data have fewer responses from counties with the highest vaccination rates.
  • While some respondents stated that the mandate has encouraged some employees to get vaccinated, several more respondents have indicated that many unvaccinated employees are now less likely to get vaccinated because of the Governor’s mandate.
  • In talking with peer health and long-term care organizations, we know that these staffing concerns are not unique to dental whatsoever. Several organizations are expressing similar concerns to those raised by WSDA.
  • WSDA also provided several comments from respondents about additional information that DOH can provide to help employers in their ongoing efforts to encourage employees to get vaccinated.

A summary of the survey data can be found here.

These concerns were heard by DOH and Governor’s Office staff and will be shared internally with other key decision-makers. Discussions will continue and we are continuing to request that a test-out option be added to Proclamation 21-14. However, we strongly advise all dental offices to continue preparation for implementation of Proclamation 21-14 as written on October 18, 2021.

Sample Religious and Medical Accommodation Forms

Several members have requested assistance in determining how to document requests for religious and medical accommodations. These sample forms (member login required) relate to Proclamation 21-14 issued on August 9, 2021 and the related FAQs released by the Washington State Department of Health (DOH 505-160, Updated August 2021). While these forms were reviewed by WSDA legal counsel, members should review these forms and the legal disclosure in their entirety before determining if or how they should be used.

Get Forms 


Dr. Dennis Bradshaw
WSDA President