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Dentists Can Register Give Kids A Smile Events for 2022

Oct 8, 2021
The ADA is calling on dental professionals to sign up to participate in the Give Kids A Smile program, which will mark its 20th anniversary next year.

The ADA is calling on dental professionals to sign up to participate in the Give Kids A Smile program, which will mark its 20th anniversary next year. Dentists can register events for 2022 at, and access planning resources, according to ADA News.

"GKAS opens the door to a dental home by offering free access to the most vulnerable among us: the children," said Cavan Brunsden, D.M.D., GKAS chair of the New Jersey Dental Association. The program launched in St. Louis in 2002 and nationally the following year, bringing together thousands of dentists and volunteers to provide oral health care to underserved children in their communities. More than 6 million children have been served so far.