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Be Alert: Member Reports Theft During Working Interview

Jan 26, 2022
A member dentist who recently experienced theft from his office while conducting a working interview shares advice for other dentists.
WSDA was recently made aware that a member dentist experienced theft from his office while conducting a working interview with a prospective dental assistant. 

The member, who said some of his peers have also reported similar incidents, would like to share the following advice for other dentists: 

"Several dental offices, including my own, have reported an assistant coming in for a working interview and stealing from the office. Stolen items have included cash and credit card information from staff wallets, as well as dental supplies and small equipment. In these unprecedented times of labor shortage, please be diligent about speaking with your applicants in advance, getting their credentials (including a copy of an ID), as well as keeping someone with the prospective employee throughout the day. It's unfortunate that we have to worry about this, but dentist owners can be left vulnerable in attempts to hire if we let our defenses down."