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WSDA President Dr. John Gibbons: A Happy, Healthy Holiday to You All

Jan 3, 2023
Our lives are busy. Our work is stressful. Take time to check in with yourself — and your colleagues.

As we enter the remaining days of the calendar year, I want to express my gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity to serve as WSDA president.

These past couple years have been unlike anything we have ever experienced. It has been a transformative experience in many ways.

But these last few years also have taken a toll on our quality of life, at every stage of the profession — as a new graduate, as a veteran dentist, or as a dentist nearing retirement.

Our youngest WSDA members, fresh out of dental school, know this all too well, and may shoulder the greatest burden. Skyrocketing tuition costs are leading to staggering levels of student debt, a problem made even worse by the ongoing disconnect with dental insurance reimbursement rates.

Our economy is struggling, with inflation hitting a 40-year high, impacting everything from the cost of supplies to energy, leasing and, yes, employees.

Workforce shortages are limiting the number patients we can see, while increasing the cost of seeing them. This is forcing us to hire differently — when we can hire — and to get creative in terms of scheduling, even if it means doing more ourselves.

Underlying all of this: the continued repercussions from the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the world seems to have almost completely reverted to its pre-pandemic activities, the reality is, COVID left a mark on each of us. It has changed our relationships with other people: How we interact. How we serve our patients. How we live.

I mention all these challenges not to scare you. I do so because I care.

All of these issues — and perhaps others — are adding stress to your life and to your practice as a dentist. And you are not alone.

During the isolation created by the pandemic early in 2021, then-President Dennis Bradshaw sent a letter to the membership titled “How are you doing?”

Two years later, I want to ask again: “How are you doing?” 

That message is still important today, because at the root of that question — “How are you doing?” — is hope. 

Hope is the promise of something better. It is proof that you BELIEVE (as fans of the hit show, “Ted Lasso,” can attest) something good is just around the corner.

We entered this profession to help others because helping others brought meaning and value to our lives. We have an opportunity to do this every day when caring for our patients — and supporting our colleagues.

I’m sure you can think of a colleague or two from school, study clubs, dental societies that you used to talk with. Maybe a former associate. A dental student. 

My challenge to you is to reconnect. See how they are doing. Plant those little seeds of hope. Even a phone call, a quick text can help us connect. Engage. Believe. 

What we do is stressful; what we are going through is stressful. Everyone struggles. Even the people you don’t think struggle, struggle. 

ADA and WSDA are here to provide you with a variety of resources to help you in your journey. I am so proud of this organization, how both its leaders and its members have risen to meet the challenge of the pandemic and the ongoing challenge of wellness, both for our patients and for each other.

Your professional success is important. But your personal well-being matters even more.

I wish you and yours health and happiness this holiday season, and in the new year.


Dr. John Gibbons

WSDA President