
Latest News from North Central District Dental Society

Latest News from WSDA

Apply to Serve as a Washington Dental Commission Member by May 2

Jan 31, 2025
The Department of Health is accepting applications to fill one dentist member vacancy on the Washington Dental Commission. Apply by May 2.

The Department of Health is accepting applications to fill one dentist member vacancy on the Washington Dental Commission. Apply by May 2.

WDC is looking for public-spirited people willing to study the issues and to make decisions in the public’s best interest. Health profession boards, commissions, and committees operate under legislative mandate to:

  • Protect the health and safety of the public, and
  • Promote the welfare of the state by regulating the competency and quality of health care providers under their authority.

The Governor’s Office and the Department of Health seek diversity in board and commission members. The DOH recognizes the value variety brings in understanding and serving the people of Washington State. DOH seeks candidates with diverse backgrounds and those who provide geographic representation throughout the state. DOH is seeking one dentist member to fill one WDC vacancy who engages in the active practice of dentistry anywhere in Washington State.

WDC consists of 21 members appointed by the Governor. Membership is as follows:

  • Members must be citizens of the United States and residents of this state.
  • Dentist members must be licensed dentists in the active practice of dentistry for a period of five years before appointment.
  • Of the twelve dentists appointed to the commission, at least four must reside and engage in the active practice of dentistry east of the summit of the Cascade Mountain Range.
  • Public members of the commission may not be a member of any other health care licensing board or commission or have a fiduciary obligation to a facility rendering health services regulated by the commission or have a material or financial interest in the rendering of health services regulated by the commission.

If you are interested in applying for an appointment to the WDC, please complete the application online here. On the application, please select that you are applying for the Washington Dental Commission. Applications, along with a current resume, must be submitted by May 2, 2025.

If you have any questions about serving on the Washington Dental Commission, please contact 360-236-4893 or


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